
Jeremy Bentham 邊沁

Utilitarianism (效益主義/ 功利主義)
The highest principle of morality is to maximize happiness, the overall balance of pleasure over pain.

Objection 1: Individual Rights. Utilitarianism violates fundamental norms of decency and respect. E.g. throwing Christians to lions; torturing suspect; torturing young daughter of suspect; 
>>Human rights and human dignity have a moral basis that lies beyond utility.
Objection 2: Common Currency of Value. Is it possible to translate all moral goods into a single currency of value without losing something in the translation? E.g. Cost-benefit analysis (smoking in Czech; Ford Pinto; vehicle speed limit; Edward Thorndike’s survey)

>>It is not possible to measure and compare all values and goods on a single scale.

Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780)
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John Stuart Mill密尔(米爾)
People should be free to do whatever they want, provided they do no harm to others. “independence is ,of right,absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is soverign”. Mill thinks we should maximize utility, not case by case, but in the long run. And over time, he argues, respecting individual liberty will lead to the greatest human happiness.
  • Actions and consequences are not all that matter after all, character also counts
  • Higher pleasure & lower pleasure-to assess the quality, not just the quantity or intensity, of our desires. >>the higher pleasures are not higher because we prefer them; we prefer them because we recognize them as higher.( it engages our highest faculties and makes us more fully human.)
Utilitarianism, J.S.Mill (1863) Official Resource Page Link

Libertarianism (放任自由主義/右翼自由主義)
Libertarians favour unfettered markets and oppose government regulation, not in the name of economic efficiency but in the name of human freedom. Their central claim is that each of us has a fundamental right to liberty – the right to do whatever we want with the things we own, provided we respect other people’s rights to do the same.

Libertarianism (Latin: liber, "free")[1] is a set of related political philosophies that uphold liberty as the highest political end.[2][3] This includes emphasis on the primacy of individual liberty,[4][5] political freedom, and voluntary association. It is an antonym of authoritarianism.[6] Although libertarians share a skepticism of governmental authority, they diverge on the extent and character of their opposition. Different schools of libertarianism offer a range of views concerning the legitimate functions of government, while others contend that the state should not exist at all. For instance, minarchists propose a state limited in scope to preventing aggression, theft, breach of contract and fraud, while anarchists advocate its complete elimination as a political system.[7][8][9][10][11][12] While some libertarians advocate laissez-faire capitalism and private property rights, such as in land and natural resources, others wish to abolish capitalism and private ownership of the means of production in favor of common or cooperative ownership and management (see libertarian socialism). 放任自由主義(Libertarianism),亦被譯為自由人主義、自由意志主義、自由意志論、自由至上主義、自由至上論等。放任自由主義是一種主張只要個人不侵犯他人的同等自由,個人應該享有絕對的自由以其自身和財產從事任何活動的政治哲學[1]。放任自由主義者的基本準則為:任何人類的互動行為都應該出於雙方的自願和同意,任何利用暴力或詐欺手段侵犯他人權利和財產的舉動都是違反了這種準則。因此除了對付他人先行侵略的反擊外,放任自由主義者反對任何形式的暴力行為。「放任自由主義」肯定的不是自由本身,而是某種類型的自由,其範圍是由自我所有論(the thesis of self-ownership)所界定的。[2] (Wikipedia)

Liberalism (自由主義/左翼自由主義)




……第四,自由主義堅持人人平等。所謂平等,是指就每個公民作為獨立自主的自由人這一身分而言,每個人具有平等的道德地位。 (參: 周保松,《自由人的平等政治》230-237頁)

Robert Nozick
Justice in initial holdings. Whether the resources you used to make your money were legitimately yours in the first place.
Justice in transfer (free market). Whether you made your money either through free exchanges in the market-place or from gifts voluntarily bestowed upon you by others.

John Locke on Egalitarianism
Egalitarianism in politics can be of at least two forms. One form is equality of persons in right, sometimes referred to as natural rights; John Locke is sometimes considered the founder of this form.[10] The slogan "Liberté, égalité, fraternité" was used during the French Revolution and is still used as an official slogan of the French government. (Wikipedia)

Second Treaties of Government, John Locke (1690)
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Immanuel Kant

Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant (1785)
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John Rawls

A Theory of Justice, John Rawls (1971)
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Beyond the veil of ignorance (無知之幕)

Difference Principle (差異原則)
當代美國哲學家羅爾斯(John Rawls)在其巨著《正義論》(A Theory of Justice)中提出,只有在對社會中受益最少者(the least advantaged)最為有利的情況下,經濟不平等分配才可以被接受。 任何以社會整體利益、私有產權、人的自利動機乃至經濟效率等理由來為財富差異辯護的理由,均不成立。所謂受益最少者,是指那些由於秉賦能力較差,來自低下階層或貧困家庭,又或由於在生活中運氣較差,從而成為社會中收入最差,或社會階級最低的人。 差異原則實則意味著:除非一個不平等分配能夠同時改善受益最少者的生活境況,否則平等分配便更為可取。(75/ 66)羅爾斯相信,一個滿足差異原則的社會,雖然仍然存在分配不平等的情況,但不平等的程度,會較今日西方福利社會還要低得多。羅爾斯稱此為一個「民主式的平等」(democratic equality)的社會。(摘錄自周保松,〈道德平等、分配正義與差異原則〉。

1. 每個人都有平等的權利,在與所有人相類似的自由體系兼容的情況下,享有最廣泛的總體由體系所賦予的相同的基本自由。
2. 社會和經濟的不平等應該這樣安排:
    a.) 在和公正的儲蓄原則一致的前提下,對社會中最弱勢的人最為有利;
    b.) 在公平的平等機會的條件下,職位與工作向所有人開放。
(參: 周保松,《自由人的平等政治》頁12)


The Politics, Aristotle 
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